The 6 Must-Have Tools and Supplies Your Animal Rescue Needs

Running an animal rescue can be a daunting task. Some tools and supplies are obvious, such as kennels, cages, and food for a menagerie of animals. Others, like a U-boat cart or air purifier, are less obvious but still essential. Each of these tools will help keep an animal rescue shelter running smoothly and safely, with happy animals, happy employees, and happy volunteers.

Material Transport Equipment

Moving heavy bags of feed and other supplies can be exhausting, leaving no energy to care for the animals. To solve this problem, invest in material transport, such as U-boat carts or platform trucks. These can transport multiple kenneled animals, a stack of animal beds, or several bags of feed at the same time. Material transport equipment is ideal for accepting in-kind donations, transporting from the donor’s car into storage quickly and efficiently. These tools enable a single person to move hundreds of pounds without difficulty.

Gloves and Safety Clothing

Gloves and safety pants can help avoid injuries from sharp claws and teeth, as well as protect your hands for insects like ticks an animal might be carrying. Reinforced gloves are useful when handling small animals like birds or cats while still protecting your hand and forearms. Rubber gloves help bathe animals or administer topical medication. Gloves will keep arms clean and dry. Though not necessary, smocks or aprons can also help, but gloves and safety pants are essential.

Nail and claw clippers

For long-term residents, claw clippers are needed to not only keep the animal comfortable but reduce the risk of injury for shelter employees and volunteers. There are a few types of clippers available, from guillotine-style clippers for cat claws to safety clippers for dogs. For thicker nails, such as large dogs, scissor-style clippers are ideal. A file or grinder can also be helpful after cutting claws.

Air Purifiers

Air purifiers serve two primary purposes in a rescue shelter. First, they can help keep odors under control. Second, air purifiers can help combat airborne microbes and remove other contaminants from the facility. These are especially useful in front holding areas where potential adopters are likely to visit.

Heating Pads or Heated Beds

Heating pads or heated beds are more comfortable for sick or young animals than regular blankets. Older animals with joint pain can also benefit from heated pads or beds. It’s important to note that electric blankets, made for human heat tolerance, are generally not safe for animals. Heated pads or beds explicitly made for animals use low voltage or no electricity to heat up to temperatures safe for animals.

Office Supplies

A rescue shelter, while it may not seem like it, is still a business. Paper for printing out applications, pens, paper clips, staples, tape, sticky notes, batteries, and other typical office supplies are needed to keep the shelter running smoothly.

About Magline

Magliner products have earned the trust of the material handling industry. They are valued to the point that “Magliner” is an industry-standard term employed throughout material handling. There is, however, only one Magliner when it comes to quality. For more than 70 years, Magline has designed and manufactured the most reliable, durable, and trustworthy material handling tools available. In addition to their traditional hand trucks, Magline produces more specialized equipment like appliance hand trucks, U-boat carts, and motorized hand trucks.

To learn more about Magliner hand trucks and other material handling products, visit

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