The 6 Must-Have Tools and Supplies Your Animal Rescue Needs

Running an animal rescue can be a daunting task. Some tools and supplies are obvious, such as kennels, cages, and food for a menagerie of animals. Others, like a U-boat cart or air purifier, are less obvious but still essential. Each of these tools will help keep an animal rescue shelter running smoothly and safely, with happy animals, happy employees, and happy volunteers. Material Transport Equipment Moving heavy bags of feed and other supplies can be exhausting, leaving no energy to care for the animals. To solve this problem, invest in material transport, such as U-boat carts or platform trucks . These can transport multiple kenneled animals, a stack of animal beds, or several bags of feed at the same time. Material transport equipment is ideal for accepting in-kind donations, transporting from the donor’s car into storage quickly and efficiently. These tools enable a single person to move hundreds of pounds without difficulty. Gloves and Safety Clothing Gl...