5 Secrets to Keeping a Liquor Store Running
When it’s not completely state-controlled, keeping a liquor store open can be a challenge. Small stores have to compete with large chains that often get bulk discounts from suppliers. The following tips should help any small or family-owned business streamline their operation. There are inventory tricks like purchasing u boat carts to help increase employee safety and efficiency. And advertising tips like throwing an event to entice consumers into the store. These secrets can help keep your liquor store running. Help Your Employees If you are an owner-operator, you will literally help your employees by taking a turn behind the till. Otherwise, help your employees by making them more efficient and protecting their health. With a u boat cart, employees can easily move cases of bottles at a time. With a keg handling attachment, moving multiple full kegs of beer in the storeroom is simple, and will put less strain on employees’ backs. Plus, it makes employees more ef...