
Showing posts with the label 2 wheel dolly

Hügelkultur Gardening: What Is It and What Tools Do You Need to Make It Work?

Hügelkultur gardening is a trend that’s becoming increasingly popular in the United States after centuries as a staple of German agriculture. The premise is simple: Establish raised beds on a foundation of logs and branches that function as both a water retention and nutrient-delivery system. The building of hügelkultur beds, while not complex, does require a bit of elbow grease, so be sure you have a shovel, saw, wheelbarrow, and a sturdy 2 wheel dolly on hand before you get into it. How to Establish Hügelkultur Beds The core of the hügelkultur concept (literally) is the use of logs as a water-retention and soil nutrient delivery strategy. It’s an exceptionally versatile process that can utilize a wide variety of planting media. Basically, you dig a trench the size of the bed you’re establishing. Keep the soil and sod handy. Fill the trench with logs and branches. The larger logs can be placed either horizontally or vertically in the trench with smaller logs laid h...

The Tools You Need for Those End-of-Summer Projects

The terrific weather we all enjoy during the summer is wonderfully relaxing, but it can herald busy days ahead. It’s nice enough to enjoy a world of outdoor activities, vacations, and lazy days in the sun. On the other hand, that window of sunlight is also often the only time a variety of outdoor projects can be completed. It’s also the warmth window in which cold weather preparation projects, to increase comfort and lower power bills, need to be completed. Here are a few summer projects to jump on while the weather permits, and the tools you’ll need to complete them. Building a Raised Bed Fall Veggie Garden Some veggies don’t thrive the heat of summer and can’t be planted for the milder spring weather during the winter. That means one of the most fruitful (sometimes literally) gardening projects for the growing of things you can eat is a raised bed for fall vegetables. Raised beds are also great for maximizing square foot gardening yield if you don’t have a lot...