4 Ways Material Handling Tools Can Help Nurseries and Garden Supply Stores

Nursery and garden store employees need to move a wide range of items. It could be as small as a few flowers in a plastic tray, a heavy pot with a monstera, or an entire tree. Plus, there are garden supplies, from tools to bags of soil. Material handling tools, such as hand trucks, can help your employees move items quickly and efficiently, saving time and energy for other tasks.

Restock Supplies and Tools Quickly

The classic hand truck is a workhorse in the material handling industry, and it can help your employees easily move plenty of items. They can stack boxes of gardening supplies or bags of soil on them and wheel the items to the shelves or to a customer. It saves them energy, makes them more efficient, and helps increase total productivity. Look for a model with a durable aluminum frame and a weight capacity of 500 pounds.

Move Lots of Flowers Easily

What happens when your employees need to move numerous trays of flowers? Often, they can carry a tray or two at a time, but this is a slow, inefficient process. With a convertible hand truck, they can prune down the number of trips they have to make. The convertible hand truck starts out as a classic upright hand truck, already offering plenty of utility, but can quickly transform into a horizontal hand cart in four-wheel mode. It’s perfect for stacking even more bags of soil or flower trays and helps move the items quickly across relatively flat surfaces. With a weight capacity of 1,000 pounds in four-wheel mode, the convertible hand truck is the ultimate workhorse.

Large Pots Aren’t a Hassle

A large tree or large pots already filled with soil are often heavy and unwieldy, so a team lift is needed to move them. Even just putting them on display can be a hassle. You can nip team lifts in the bud with premium material handling tools. A heavy duty hand truck can enable a single employee to move a large pot around the store, even if it’s heavy and filled with soil. That’s because they have a weight capacity of 800 pounds plus attachments like side wings and a self-retracting ratchet strap to hold the item in place.

Deliver Large Trees

When a single employee needs to deliver a tree to a customer’s vehicle or a delivery truck, the best tool for the job is an electric dolly. A heavy duty hand truck excels at moving heavy items short distances, but the electric dolly is perfect for moving across the nursery or garden supply store and parking lot. If your delivery truck has a powered liftgate, your employees can also use the electric dolly to deliver the tree to the customer’s home. For larger pots, the quick-change attachment can change to a plate meant for cylindrical items, perfect for keeping the round pots in place. The electric dolly is capable of handling loads up to 1,000 pounds, making it perfect for the heaviest jobs.

About Magline

Challenging jobs are part and parcel of the material handling industry, and workers rely on Magliner tools to make those tasks easier and faster. The Magliner brand is legendary in the material handling industry and is known for offering high-quality, customizable material handling tools that are durable and reliable. From heavy duty hand trucks to a powered hand truck selection, there’s a Magliner tool for every job. For more than 75 years, Magliner tools have set the standard in the material handling industry, and the brand continues to innovate with every new model. Explore the full selection and find the right material handling tools for your team.

Find the material handling tools your garden supply store needs at https://www.magliner.com/

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