4 Material Handling Tools for Home Repair Businesses and Contractors

Building or fixing houses means moving plenty of supplies. From boxes of tile to buckets of grout, bundles of lumber to sheets of drywall, your team needs to move a variety of materials and supplies around the job site. The right material handling tools, such as premium, lightweight hand trucks and heavy duty hand trucks, can help you get the job done quickly and efficiently. Here are some of the material handling tools you might want to help with your job.

The Classic Hand Truck for Miscellaneous Boxes of Supplies

Classic hand trucks are workhorses in the material handling industry. Contractors will typically use them for moving smaller tools or boxes of supplies. Rather than hand carrying these boxes, your team can stack boxes up to 500 pounds on the nose of the hand truck and move them into place safely and efficiently. Be sure to look for a hand truck made from durable, lightweight aluminum.

A Heavy Duty Hand Truck for Larger Items

When you need to move larger, heavier items, you will want a heavy duty hand truck. This is perfect if you have to move bulky, heavy items like furniture and appliances during the remodel or repair. The heavy duty hand truck has a higher weight capacity than the classic hand truck—up to 800 pounds. It also offers useful options, including side wings and a self-retracting ratchet strap, perfect for keeping wider, larger items on the dolly. The heavy duty hand truck can even help eliminate the need for a team lift, making you and your team even more efficient.

A Powered Stair Climbing Dolly for Tackling Stairs

Are you working on the second floor of a home? Whether it’s replacing water-damaged drywall or remodeling an upstairs master bathroom, you might need to move materials up or down a set of stairs. Instead of carrying them by hand and wasting time and energy, a powered stair climbing dolly can help you do the job with less hassle. The powered stair climbing dolly does most of the hard work for you. All you need to do is stack the items on the dolly and stay in an ergonomic position while activating the dolly. There are even heavy duty versions available, capable of moving loads up to 725 pounds.

A Convertible Hand Truck for Added Versatility

If you need more versatility, go with a convertible hand truck. The convertible hand truck starts as a classic upright hand truck, but it takes just seconds to transform it into a horizontal hand cart in four-wheel mode. This lets you put even more boxes on it, which works well when moving them over flat surfaces. It’s also great for when you have oddly shaped items you need to move. The convertible hand truck can handle loads up to 1,000 pounds in four-wheel mode, and is easy to store in two-wheel mode.

About Magline

The material handling industry relies on Magliner tools to make challenging jobs easier and safer. The high quality of these customizable material handling tools has made the Magliner brand well-known in virtually every industry. From heavy duty hand trucks to a powered hand truck selection, there’s a Magliner tool for anyone who needs to move or deliver items. Magliner material handling equipment promises reliability and quality, and these tools have been the benchmark of innovation and excellence for over 75 years. Is your company ready to see how Magliner material handling tools can help your employees be safer, more efficient, and more productive? Check out the full selection of hand trucks today!

Learn more about Magliner tools and how they can help your business at https://www.magliner.com/

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