5 Must-Have Material Handling Tools for Moving and Installing Office Equipment

Whether starting a new business, expanding to a new office, or simply moving offices, your team will need to move a ton of equipment and supplies. You will need to move computers, furniture, desks, and plenty of boxes of office supplies. It can be a large task to complete when starting from scratch, but the right tools will make the job incredibly easy. From the classic 2 wheel dolly to a heavy duty hand truck, here are a few essential pieces of gear to check out.

Traditional Hand Trucks for General Office Supplies

Moving into an office means lots of office supplies. A classic upright hand truck is perfect for stacking those boxes and quickly moving them into the new space. This means a single person can move more than one or two boxes at once, making the job go much faster. A traditional hand truck is highly versatile with a 500-pound capacity, and will be a workhorse when moving offices.

Convertible Hand Trucks for Computer Equipment

Consider using a convertible hand truck if you need even more versatility when moving offices. It starts as a classic upright 2 wheel dolly, but it can quickly transform into a horizontal hand cart in four-wheel mode, providing more platform space along with a higher weight capacity of 1,000 pounds. The convertible hand truck is perfect for moving a wide variety of items in a range of shapes and sizes.

Appliance Hand Trucks for Furniture and Large Appliances

When you have furniture, such as a couch for a break room, you might need an appliance hand truck. It can eliminate the need for a team lift, offering a weight capacity of 800 pounds. From desks to other appliances that are too large or heavy for a classic hand truck, a heavy duty hand truck can make moving items from an old office into a new one much easier. You can also get upgrades for the appliance hand truck, such as side wings and a self-retracting ratchet strap, which can help keep items in place.

Powered Hand Trucks for Loaded Server Bays

Some items should go straight from the moving truck to the new office. It could be servers or other large, heavy equipment up to 1,000 pounds that may be delicate. While you could use an appliance hand truck, they are best over short distances. As long as the moving truck has a powered liftgate, a powered hand truck is the best option. It can move large, heavy items long distances. It even does nearly all the work for you. It’s perfect for ensuring large, delicate items are carefully moved into place.

Powered Stair Climbing Hand Trucks to Tackle Stairs

Stairs are the bane of any office move. It’s entirely possible that your office does not have an elevator but has a second floor. A powered stair climbing hand truck is the perfect solution in this scenario. Load up boxes of documents or other items and let the heavy duty powered stair climbing dolly do most of the work with a 725-pound capacity. You just need to stay in an ergonomic position. Newer versions of powered stair climbing dollies are faster, weigh less, and have better battery life, helping you get the job done faster.

About Magline

Material handling professionals rely on Magliner tools to get challenging jobs done right. Millions of people put their trust in Magliner hand trucks daily to help make their jobs easier, safer, and more efficient. Magliner hand trucks are known for being high-quality, customizable material handling tools. From their appliance hand trucks to their new and improved powered hand truck selection, there’s a tool for everyone. Because of the brand’s commitment to reliability and quality, Magliner material handling equipment has been the benchmark of excellence and innovation for more than 75 years. Explore the entire selection of Magliner tools and find the right option for your business.

Shop all of these premium material handling solutions at https://www.magliner.com/

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