Customer-Facing and Back-End Employees Need These 5 Material Handling Tools

Customer-facing and back-end employees often need to move a wide variety of items and products. From restocking shelves to moving items from the warehouse to a delivery truck, the right material handling tools can make all the difference. A 2 wheel dolly can make your employees faster and more efficient, while a hand lift truck could replace a forklift in many cases. Here is what you need to know about upgrading your material handling tools to simplify your employees’ jobs.

Appliance Hand Truck

2 Wheel Dolly

The classic 2 wheel dolly is a material handling workhorse. You should find one that is reliable, modular, and made of lightweight aluminum to provide rust protection. Instead of hauling items by hand, your employees can stack boxes or other items on the hand truck and move them quickly and efficiently. It’s excellent for both customer-facing and back-end jobs, whether on the store floor, delivering items, or simply moving products around the warehouse.

Appliance Hand Truck

If your employees have been struggling with larger items on hand trucks, it might be time to upgrade to an appliance hand truck. With all the versatility and utility of the classic hand truck, the appliance hand truck adds a higher weight capacity (up to 800 pounds) and optional accessories that make moving larger, heavier items easier. Side wings can help stabilize wider items, while a self-retracting ratchet strap keeps them in place. A fourth wheel assembly makes it easier to break back the dolly. With an appliance hand truck, team lifts are a thing of the past.

Convertible Hand Truck

Another upgrade you can provide your employees is the convertible hand truck. In the front of the store, it’s easier to restock items when employees can transform a classic upright hand truck into a horizontal hand truck in four-wheel mode. It makes it easier to bring more items for restocking since it can handle loads up to 1,000 pounds. The convertible hand truck makes it easier to move oddly shaped items to a waiting delivery truck in the warehouse.

Hand Lift Truck

Warehouses can often be tight, especially in smaller buildings, and you might not have room for a forklift. With a hand lift truck, your employees won’t have to bend down when restocking or moving items in a warehouse. It’s an excellent way to move items that need to be lifted up into place. The lifting truck also offers a variety of attachments, making it a highly versatile material handling tool. Unlike a forklift, it doesn’t require a license to operate, so any employee can use it. With an electric screw drive action, the hand lift cart can lift loads up to 350 pounds.

Powered Hand Truck

Do your warehouse employees need to move large items across the warehouse floor to a delivery truck, such as fridges or sofas? Try using the powered hand truck. It can support loads up to 1,000 pounds, and the motor does most of the work for your employee.

About Magline

Every day, men and women worldwide know they can trust Magline to provide industry-leading material handling equipment that makes their work safer, easier, and more efficient. Whether your business relies on the customizable traditional hand truck line or their powered hand truck selection, the innovative design of Magline products is driven by your needs. For over 75 years, the words “Made by Magline” have served as a promise of rugged quality for every one of their products. Magline remains an industry leader because their customers know they can trust that promise of quality now, for the next 75 years, and beyond. Find out how Magliner equipment can deliver on that promise for your business.

Upgrade your material handling tools with Magliner equipment at


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