3 Tools to Make Your Appliance Delivery Team More Efficient

Like many other business leaders, you’re always looking for ways to enhance your operations. Before you expand by bringing on new team members or moving into a larger facility, you want to ensure that your existing workflows are as efficient as possible. 

When it comes to your appliance delivery team, the right tools can make all the difference. If they’re using subpar or outdated equipment, it’s time to upgrade to modern, innovative material handling solutions that can reduce injury potential and increase productivity.

If you’re ready to help your appliance delivery team take their work to the next level, check out this list of three leading products that help them get more done.

Heavy Duty Hand Truck

Equipping your team with a high-quality, durable appliance cart is a no-brainer. It’s an essential tool for anyone who spends their days lugging heavy, bulky loads up and down stairs. Plus, appliance carts offer a massive increase in maneuverability. This makes it much easier for your crew to move appliances, significantly reducing the likelihood of product damage.

When shopping for a new heavy duty hand truck, select one with a lightweight, high-strength aluminum frame. Investing in an appliance cart with a retractable strap and a fourth-wheel attachment is wise. The strap allows better securement to eliminate load shifting, and the fourth-wheel attachment enhances maneuverability while increasing load capacity.

Van Walk Ramps

Getting appliances into and out of delivery vehicles is one of the most challenging aspects of the job. Moreover, the repeated bending, lifting, and reaching involved in this process contributes to ergonomic injuries that can put your team members out of commission, sometimes for an extended period.

A convenient, portable van walk ramp will make loading or unloading much easier and more efficient. Not only will your team thank you, but they’ll also be able to get to their next stop more quickly.

If your team uses a box truck, consider a retractable underbody truck ramp. The best ones are designed to be rugged, meaning your crew can use them for years to come. Use them with hand trucks, like your new appliance dolly, and see what a difference they can make.

Curb Ramps

One of the most challenging aspects of moving large, bulky loads like appliances is traversing uneven terrain. Going up or down a curb can be a “gut check” moment, especially if the load isn’t secured with a strap.

The solution to dealing with curbs is surprisingly simple. All your team needs is a lightweight, portable curb ramp. The best curb ramps are made of yellow molded engineered plastic with an open surface to allow debris to pass through. They’re solid and durable, making it a breeze to get the appliance dolly or convertible hand truck up or down the curb.

Find a curb ramp with an aggressive non-skid surface that provides secure footing. That way, your team won’t have to worry about the curb ramp sliding around. One of the best things about curb ramps is that they’re easy to handle, so your team can simply place them back in the delivery vehicle when they’re done and continue on their route.

About Magline

For 75 years, the Magliner brand has set the standard for durability, reliability, and quality. Across the world, material handling professionals know and rely on Magliner gear for safe and effective service. The ultra-customizable traditional Magliner hand truck remains the flagship product of their equipment lineup, but you can find so much more from the brand. Other Magliner selections include their powered hand truck collection, convertible hand truck series, and more. When your delivery drivers, warehouse workers, or any employees need to deliver, lift, or otherwise move anything, you can always rely on Magliner equipment to help ensure they get the job done safely, efficiently, and effectively.

Help your delivery team get more done with solutions from Magliner at https://www.magliner.com/


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