The Tools Your Bar Needs to Move Supplies Safely

Moving supplies and equipment can be a safety hazard for bars. While the delivery person will drop off full kegs, what happens when they need to be stored and then moved into place? Carrying more than a couple of liquor bottles in your arms at a time is risky. A bar that isn’t on the ground floor might have trouble bringing general supplies up a set of stairs. These tools will help your bar safely move supplies without putting employees or delivery people at risk.

Specialty Equipment for Moving Kegs

Among the essential items for a bar are kegs full of beers. Unfortunately, kegs tend to be heavy, making them hard to move without the right equipment. Keg handling equipment, like a curved-back hand truck or powered stair climbing hand truck, are the perfect material handling tools for the job. Instead of straining your back, these tools can help you transport kegs safely. A keg hook or containment strap for a hand truck holds a single barrel in place, while the keg mover enables you to move multiple kegs stacked on a U-boat with ease.Your delivery person will thank you for the help in moving multiple barrels at once, giving them and your employees a speedy delivery.

Powered Lift Stackers for Moving Liquor Bottles

Moving more than a couple of liquor bottles can be a hassle. Trying to carry a half-dozen large bottles in your arms is a recipe for a disaster cocktail. Dropped and broken bottles are not only safety hazards, but lost money too. Instead, use a walk behind forklift to transport boxes of bottles. Unlike a traditional forklift, no license is necessary, and they require much less space for operation. Controls are often one-handed and straightforward for ease of use. The best walk behind forklifts combine a pallet jack and lift truck. With a lift system, there’s no need to bend over or strain to reach—once loaded, inventory can be moved between ground level, shelves, and the backs of trucks. This powered assistance saves employees from putting their bodies through undue stress.

Stair Climbing Carts for Moving General Supplies

Boxes of general supplies, like garnishes or new glassware, can be a hassle to move in bulk. A bar not located on the ground floor exacerbates the inconvenience and danger. Carrying heavy boxes of supplies without any help up even just a few steps can end in an employee on the ground in pain, the supplies strewn about the stairs. Instead, consider using a stair climbing cart to navigate stairs with heavy boxes of supplies safely. A single employee can then move hundreds of pounds of supplies up or down flights of stairs with no trouble, saving time and effort. This allows the employee to get back behind the bar faster.

About Magline

Magliner products have earned the trust of the material handling industry. They are valued to the point that “Magliner” is an industry-standard term employed throughout material handling. There is, however, only one Magliner when it comes to quality. For more than 70 years, Magline has designed and manufactured the most reliable, durable, and trustworthy material handling tools available. In addition to their traditional hand trucks, Magline produces more specialized equipment like appliance hand trucks, U-boats, and motorized hand trucks.

To learn more about Magliner hand trucks and other material handling products, visit

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