
Showing posts with the label appliance hand cart

3 Pieces of Material Handling Equipment Every Taproom Needs

Opening a taproom is an exciting experience, whether it's your first or 10th. After designing the interior layout, ordering supplies, and setting up shop, it’s important to consider the equipment you’ll need to keep your staff safe, efficient, and in good spirits. 2 Wheel Dolly For instance, a specialized dolly can help your staff safely transport and distribute kegs and cases of beer around your taproom and to restaurants, grocery stores, and pubs. Here are three pieces of equipment you should consider for your establishment. Don’t Cry Over Spilled Beer: Prevent Broken Bottles and Increase Efficiency A dolly is probably the most important piece of material handling equipment your taproom staff needs. A lightweight aluminum 2 wheel dolly can help your staff move cases securely and prevent dropped cases of beer or broken bottles. When choosing a dolly, you have several options. You can find a dolly with extra handles, rubber grips, single or double loops, built-in ratch